Hello! This blog shows Kouhei Takagi's application support pages!(高木耕平)
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WABOワボ サポートページ 概要: 「WABOワボ」は、通常のテトリスに「素数判定」の要素を組み合わせたオリジナルゲームです。 ブロックには数字が割り当てられており、横一列にブロックが並んだとき、その合計が「素数」ならラインが消えます。 難易度(初級・中級・上級)を選べるので、数字の範囲が変わり、初心者から上級者まで楽しめます。 特徴: I ブロックだけは数字が 0 なので、合計の調整が鍵になります。 行が消えるたびに合計された数字の合計を記録。ゲームオーバー時に表示されます。 遊び方: 難易度を選んでゲーム開始。 キーボードまたはボタンでブロックを操作。 横一列の合計が素数になるとその行が消えて得点に。 積み上がって置けなくなるとゲームオーバー。合計した数字のスコアを確認しましょう。 WABO support page Overview: WABO is a unique twist on classic game, incorporating a prime number mechanic. Each block has an assigned digit, and whenever a full horizontal line's sum is prime, that line disappears. You can choose from three difficulty levels (Easy, Medium, Hard), which alter the numeric range and add variety for both newcomers and experienced players. Features: The I-shaped block always has the digit 0, which affects how line sums are formed. Every time you clear a line, the sum of its digits is added to your total. At Game Over, see how high your total score is. As a browser extension, you can play instantly with a sing...
Visual Box Use Visual Box for assistance of thinking Visual Box: Bridging Visual Thought and Linguistic Expression Have you ever found it challenging to convert your rich visual thoughts into words? Whether you're a visual thinker, a designer, an artist, or just someone who often finds themselves lost in a sea of imaginative ideas, converting those vivid imaginations into textual descriptions can be a daunting task. Enter Visual Box – your personal assistant to help bridge the gap between visual thinking and linguistic articulation. Key Features: Visual-to-Text Assistance: Helps in seamlessly converting your visual thoughts into structured textual content. Intuitive User Interface: Designed keeping the visual thinker in mind, making it easier to navigate and articulate. Expandable Boxes: Think in layers? No problem! Our nested box system allows you to delve deeper into each thought, ensuring no idea is left behind. Easy Export: Save your thoughts and ideas in an organized HTML form...